Baked snapper umami bomb

Nigel Wood Serves 4


1 whole snapper

Citrus (lemon, lime or oranges) for baking and dressing

3 or 4 spring onions, 3 cloves of garlic and 1 red onion

Baking paper or aluminium foil


Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees C

Slice spring onions and onion and  peel and crush garlic

Scale and clean the fish, leaving head on. Rinse under cold water then pat very dry with paper towel. Sprinkle some salt inside the cavity and place the garlic and some citrus pieces inside too

Choose a baking dish that you can use to serve with and line it with baking paper. Pour over a thin film of olive oil and sprinkle 4 or 5 teaspoons of Truffle Ponzu sauce and the juice of your preferred citrus. Sprinkle over the remaining onion and spring onion. Slash the skin with a sharp knife two or three times at it's thickest point on both sides. (If you prefer a slightly steamed result, wrap the fish inside a "tent" of alfoil instead).

Cover the whole dish with foil and bake at 180 degrees for about 35 minutes, basting the fish with its juices and the sauce 2 or 3 times. Remove the covering foil for the last 15 minutes to give the fish crackling, golden skin.

Serve with your preferred accompanying ingredients - vegetables, a salad and/or truffled fries, using Truffle Paddock salt.

A seafood umami bomb